

 Excavation at Norwest Station is continuing 24/7. The construction activities that are taking place are, rock breaking, ground support works, removal of excavated material and the excavation itself.  Works are limited to the tunnel entry and exits after 10pm which works in line with the Environmental Protection Authority licence conditions.  

The excavation of the new station area is now reaching its final depth of 22m at the western end, with the eastern end to far away either currently 12,000m3 of excavated material needing to be removed. This is due to be completed in the coming weeks. The tunnel entry and exit points are about 11m high, 8m wide and extend 10m past the station area. 



An additional 14m of tunnel will need to be excavated from the TBM access points at the eastern end near 23 Brookhollow Avenue to assist with being able to relaunch both TBMs as they continue on from Norwest to Showground station. 



Entry and exit points should be completed in November and December. November is for the western end near 30 Brookhollow Avenue, and December for the eastern end. 



As this stage of the project nears the end, you will start to see demobilise of the sites which include, site sheds and machinery. Workers will continue to access the site while TBMs will travel through the area.